Meet the Grand Visual Team: Zevi, Mike & Ed

Our Team


How long have you been at GV for and what is your role?
I’ve been at GV for a month and I’m on the Client Services Team focused on the US business, developing our footprint in The States.

What’s your favourite GV campaign?
My favourite GV campaign is the Google Play Music campaign we did for Google and Omnicom. The thing I liked about that campaign was our ability to leverage data and triggers to make it more contextually relevant for the consumers that engaged with the creative.

If you weren’t in Client Services, would you rather be in Production or Tech?
If I wasn’t in Client Services, I’d rather be in Tech because I’d like to see what is under the hood and all of the cool technology that we’re rolling out on these campaigns. It’s what really differentiates our company and makes us unique. I’d love to be one of the solution providers behind the scenes – if I wasn’t selling these campaigns!

Would you rather be colour blind or have no taste buds?
I would rather be colour blind than have no taste buds because I feel that having flavour in your life is key for happiness and I love to eat.

Would you rather be an amazing dancer or an amazing singer?
Well, I’m already an amazing dancer so – I’d opt for having a good singing voice which I sorely lack! I have a good talking voice but my singing voice needs a little work, so – please help me out a little bit!

Our Team


How long have you been at GV for and what’s your role?
So I’ve been at GV since 2012 and I’m a Full Stack Developer.

What is your favourite GV campaign?
I think my favourite GV campaign would probably be the first one that I ever did – Disney Memories! I was fresh out of university and going to New York was really exciting!

If you weren’t in Tech, would you rather be in Marketing or Client Services?
This is a tough question! If I wasn’t in the Tech Team I think I would rather be in Marketing. I used to be an editor so I think I’d be quite good at making promos and things like that.

Would you rather hear the good news or the bad news first?
I always would prefer to hear the bad news first – to come out on a high!

Would you rather be invisible or be able to fly for one day?
I need to think about that one… I think I would rather be able to fly for a day because being invisible for a day you’re about to get into a lot of trouble!

Our Team


How long have you been at GV for and what’s your role?
I’m a producer and today is my two year anniversary at Grand Visual!

What’s your favourite GV campaign?
My favourite GV campaign would probably be Spotify because I love music!

If you weren’t in Production, would you rather be in the Creative Team or the Tech Team?
Would I rather be in the Creative Team or the Tech Team? Probably the Creative because they seem to like to have more fun!

Would you rather live without the internet or without AC/heating?
Would I rather live without the internet or AC and heating? Well to be fair, I don’t live with AC at the moment and the heating – we only put it on for a short time… of the year anyway so, without that! Internet all the time! Obviously!

Would you rather have an unlimited international first class ticket, or never have to pay for food at restaurants?
Would I rather fly internationally for free forever or have unlimited food? Fly – because I don’t feel I’ve travelled as much as I should have so definitely that one!