Perry the Platy-bus on tour!

Popular American cartoon duo Phineas and Ferb took to the road this summer in a specially crafted augmented reality tour designed to help spread the ‘Where’s Perry’ message across America’s Mid West. Perry the Platy-bus, a touring airstream with supporting screen and set took in 6 cities in 5 weeks, coinciding with the end of the Phineas and Ferb season cliff-hanger where Perry goes missing.

As part of the tour Grand Visual built and staffed an AR system and developed an engaging experience to allow kids to virtually interact with the shows main characters. Participants stood in the zone and looked up to see themselves on the big screen where they could virtually interact with Phineas, Ferb, Perry and Dr Doofinsmirtz. Kids were asked to perform various tasks such as Dancing, Baseball, or Judo and were encouraged to pose for a photo at the end of their experience.

Photos were automatically uploaded to where guests could retrieve and share them via Facebook and Twitter. The Platy-bus AR experience travelled to 6 State Fairs during the period with a combined audience of over a million people. Facebook statistics showed that 150,000 people viewed stories in their news feeds during the campaign period. Page views peaked at 13,000 on Sunday 19th August when the Platy-bus tour was at Illinois State Fair.

Grand Visual worked closely with Frank Keating, VP of Marketing and his team at Disney Channel to write, create, and produce 30 different storylines for kids to interact with. The character sequences were pre-produced on a shoot directed by Grand Visual in Florida with the Disney Creative Broadcast team. Relevent managed the event that also included singing, dancing, free t-shirts, and other fun activities.