1. Brief
Announce the forthcoming game release of My Monopoly – which offers users the chance to personalise their own Monopoly Board – using some amazing Creative Technology.
2. Response
We built a virtual game of Monopoly where users were able to use their own device to roll the dice and await their fate. On the big screen in front of them, they saw their personalised character race around the board landing on various squares based on the dice roll from their mobile.
Live street theatre and the events team brought the game to life, with a Policeman, Angel and even a giant Pigeon entertaining guests as they played our game. Gifts and prizes were given out to those brave enough to roll the dice and embrace the game.
3. Results
Thousands of people on the ground enjoyed a giant game of Monopoly with prizes and surprises along the way. Just over a million then enjoyed watching the events unfold online through a social film too.