1. Brief
Lynx wanted to create a branded digital OOH experience, that would enable consumers to virtually be a part of the “Lynx Effect” where Angels would fall to the Earth.
2. Response
An augmented reality experience was set up in Victoria Station London, New St Birmingham, Istanbul Turkey, and Melbourne Australia. This allowed members of the public to have a virtual interaction with the four Angels as they ‘fell from the sky’. The content captured from the event in London made for a great social film of the event and was seeded to fans of the brand all around the world.
3. Results
Angel Ambush earned over 1.3 million views on YouTube, 250,000 Facebook likes and over 249 posts that included Wired US and BBC. The experience also won 2 bronze Cannes Lions in the Outdoor and Media categories at the ceremony and was even inducted into the Outdoor Hall of Fame!