Nothing Beats an Astronaut
To support the epic Lynx Apollo launch, ‘Astronaut Me’ is an interactive digital outdoor initiative that kicks off today on mall screens and digital bus shelters across the UK. The interactive installations allow boys (and girls) to put themselves in the creative as the hero astronaut accompanied by two Lynx girls.
All the pictures generated by the interactive bus shelters and mall screens will be posted to Lynx UK’s Facebook gallery where users can tag themselves and share with friends. The interactive app was built by Grand Visual with the studio shoot directed in partnership with Minds Eye Media, the UGC is delivered via OpenLoop, and the activity planned and booked by Mindshare and Kinetic.
The final part of the OOH campaign outreach starts next month and will include a Lynx ‘Space Academy’ shuttle travelling to the Westfield London plus digital activity that allows consumers to use their mobile phones to post their face onto a giant inflatable astronaut. More on this nearer the time!