Grand Visual Takes Home Multiple COOH Awards
Grand Visual took home a number of new accolades from this year’s Creative Out of Home Awards held at the The Montcalm Hotel on Thursday night, 21st November 2013. The Drum’s Creative Out of Home Awards look to celebrate and reward OOH projects that deliver creative excellence and exceptional return on investment for clients.
Grand Visual won the award for ‘Best Use of Live Updates’ for Benadryl Pollen Alerts, a dynamic, reactive, location-specific Digital OOH campaign to alert hay fever sufferers when pollen counts were high this summer. The collaboration with JWT, Group M Primus and Kinetic, was based on official Met Office pollen data, and targeted those areas registering high pollen counts that day.
Weekly Appeals our project with the Missing People charity, the Outdoor Media Centre and their members, won the “Low Budget” Category for the nationwide Digital Out of Home campaign. The campaign, which has now distributed over 280 appeals to the British public since July last year, continues to help reunite missing people with their families thanks to media space donated by OMC members.
Our work with Kinetic for Lynx Apollo won the award for “Digital Campaign” and also received a commendation in the “Experiential/Ambient” category. The intergalactic adventure included a phased Digital Out of Home campaign culminating in interactive 6 sheets and a 12 metre tall, 2 tonne interactive astronaut.
Finally, Mischievous Minions, our mobile controlled DOOH campaign for Universal’s Despicable Me 2 release received a Commendation in the ‘Use of Mobile’ category. The international campaign allowed participants to control the on-screen Minions through text commands and then receive their very own mini Minion film via their phone.